Safari Car
For Daycare and primary schools
The moment children see this safari car they want to drive.... Li- cense or not 🙂 It is good for children to use their imagination to get an under- standing about the world they live in. They will pretend driving to a place and copy the reality. A great change to develop also children's social and emotional skills. As you can see on the picture below children love this car!
If you have a school than this Safari Car will make an impressive entrance of your school.
Every parent will be surprised and children defenitly would like to stay immediately. 🙂
Why is this a heavy duty safari car?
This safari car is built with high quality steel so children can climb on it like a monkey bar.
 The paint is extra strong two component car paint so it will last many years.
For the tires we have use a new product, recycled plastic so there is no termite who can destroy it.
The steering wheels are imported from europe and designed for public area’s.
To avoid paint damage because of the many sandy children’s feet we have used galvanised tear plate at the bottom where children sit or stand.